What Disney Princess Song Are You?


By: Talin Vartanian

5 Min Quiz

Image: Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios

About This Quiz

Here's a question for you: "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" If your answer is "yes," then you're invited to sing an epic Disney song with us! But with so many songs to choose from, how are you going to decide which one to dance to? By taking this magical quiz, of course! 

Because Disney songs, friends, animals and adventures aren't just for the movies ... they can reflect aspects of our own lives as well. You could be a bookworm like Belle from "Beauty and the Beast," or you could love to swim in the ocean like Ariel from "The Little Mermaid." Or maybe you feel like your life is a bit of a wonderland, full of talking flowers and cards! 

Whatever your life is like, we've got an epic Disney song to match it. Just take a look at some of the classics here, such as "All in the Golden Afternoon" from "Alice in Wonderland," "Let It Go" from "Frozen" and "I'm Wishing" from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." These songs are all about making your dreams come true. So dream big and wish upon whatever your heart desires, because this magical Disney quiz is about to start right now!

Which of these Disney movies would you watch right now if you could?


What villain would be your worst enemy?


If you could be friends with a mythical creature, which one would you pick?


If you could talk to animals, what would you say to them?


Which Disney princess do you relate to the most?


Do you think that your life is like a fairy tale?


How would you wear your beautiful hair as a Disney character?


What part of Disneyland seems like a dream come true to you?


What type of magical ability would you like to have?


If you lived in the Disney universe, what would you do on a typical Saturday afternoon?


Which of these Walt Disney quotes resonates with you the most?


How do you feel about singing in front of a live audience?


If you could suddenly have one wish granted, what would you wish for?


How would you describe yourself?


If you woke up in a classic fairy tale story, where would you live?


How would you describe your perfect prince charming?


What's something that you need to work on?


You suddenly see a hungry griffin approaching you! What's your next move?


Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?


It's that time of year! Which of these seasons brings out the Disney magic?


We all have goals for our future, but what is something that you're striving for?


Luck is on your side today! What type of lucky symbol brings you good fortune?


Which of these adorable animals is your personality similar to?


If Walt Disney were still alive, what type of Disney movie would you make with him?


Your sense of style can be best described as ...


You're invited to a Disney ball! What type of shoes will you be wearing?


Which of these abilities would you rather have: soaring in the sky or breathing underwater?


Your personality is similar to which of these Mickey Mouse characters?


What part of your life feels the most magical to you?


If your life were like a fairy tale, would you be the hero or the villain?


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